4 Tips On Reducing Heating Expenses

A heating unit enhances indoor comfort when the outdoor temperatures are dipping. Usually, a high-efficient furnace provides increased heating output while consuming less energy. But to attain optimal value from your heating unit, you need to keep up with its repair and maintenance needs. During repairs, the technician will inspect the system and perform functionality tests to determine its output level. Timely repairs preserve the unit's efficiency, lower energy consumption, and maximize indoor comfort. Read on to learn a few tips on reducing heating expenses in your home. 

Properly Maintain Your Furnace

You must schedule routine maintenance checks to sustain the heating system's efficiency. Keep in mind that filters clog over time, and the airborne particulates might prevent the free flow of air. As a result, the heating unit expends more energy to draw sufficient air for heating. To remedy this issue, your heating expert will change or replace clogged filters. Also, remember that the flame sensor or thermostat may gradually corrode, leading to hard starts, which consume a lot of energy. Again replacing a corroded flame sensor or thermostat will save you on energy costs.

Heat the Room You Use Frequently

Of course, your utility bills will rise significantly if you have a large living space. But it's unlikely you'll use all the rooms at once. That is where zoning comes in. A zoned heating system comprises a damper and thermostat in every room, which the furnace specialist wires into a central control panel. That way, you can create multiple temperature-controlled zones by closing and opening dampers. As such, you can close dampers in the unused rooms to keep your energy consumption under control. Additionally, this system enhances personalized comfort levels. That's because one will adjust the temperature in their zone according to their preference.

Install a Humidifier

Since cold air holds less moisture than warm air, winter's dry air can be tough to bear. Usually, dry air will absorb moisture from your house, creating discomfort. Besides, it leads to wasted energy as the furnace tries to maintain warm temperatures. For this reason, you should ask your heating contractor to install a humidifier to supplement the furnace. That way, you will achieve maximum comfort at a lower thermostat setting, which translates to lower energy consumption.

Ensure You Have Proper Insulation

Typically, a heating system distributes heated air to the building through the ducts. But if your ductwork is worn out, it will leak air into the unconditioned spaces, resulting in inconsistent temperatures. Moreover, the lack of proper insulation in the interior space will lead to energy losses as heat escapes through tiny entry points. So to cut down heating expenses, you must seal and insulate your home.

Contact a heating contractor near you to learn more.
