Furnace Repair 101: Signs You Need a Technician

Your home's furnace is an important part of maintaining comfort through the winter months. Most homeowners are pretty consistent about annual cleaning and maintenance of their furnace to keep it running at its best. Unfortunately, you may find that your furnace ends up needing repair despite that ongoing maintenance. One thing that many homeowners lack is an understanding of when to call for that repair. Here's a look at some of the signs that your furnace needs the attention of a furnace repair technician. [Read More]

4 Air Conditioning Repairs You Can Handle On Your Own

If you have an air conditioning system, sometimes it will need repairs. It is essential to know how to fix common issues that your air conditioner may experience on your own. Here are a few air conditioning system repairs that you can handle.  Unit Doesn't Turn On If your air conditioning unit won't turn on, the first thing you need to check is your breakers. If your system does not turn on, you should ensure that the breaker has not been clipped if it has turned back on. [Read More]

2 Ways Wintry Weather May Have Damaged Your Home's Central Air Conditioning Unit

After having a few warmer days in early spring, you may be thinking that it is time to turn on your home's central air conditioning system to make sure that everything is working properly. While the outdoor unit is designed to withstand most adverse weather conditions, there is always a possibility that excessively cold temperatures, snow, and ice could have damaged it. When you turn on the AC system for the first time after a bad winter, you should be on the lookout for potential problems. [Read More]

Identifying 3 Common Valve Issues on Steam Boilers

If you've ever looked at your home's steam boiler, you've probably noticed that it has several valves. Boilers vary by age, make, and model, but most modern units have many features in common. While the valves you're likely to find around your boiler serve critical roles, they're also potential failure points. Clogs and leaks at these valves can stop your boiler from working or even flood your basement. While this guide won't provide a definitive explanation of how your boiler works, it will explore three of the common valves that may fail on your unit. [Read More]